Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In addition to the tomato and pepper starts that I listed in previous posts, I will be starting these plants within the next few months. It won't be long now.

TRANSPLANTS (Planting one of each unless otherwise stated.)
Celery: Tango x4 (18-20” stalks, hardy biennial, 90 days, tolerant, hybrid, no need to blanch)
Cucumber: Picklebush (Burpee hybrid, 52 days, 2’ vines, 4 ½” fruit, light green, tolerant to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew); Salad Bush (hybrid, 57 days, AAS Winner, 3’ compact vines, disease resistant, 8”, excellent flavor and production!) x2
Gourds: Mixed small and large varieties x3
Muskmelon: Minnesota Midget (heirloom, baseball-sized, orange flesh, sweet, 3-4’ vines)
Pumpkin: Baby Bear x2 (105 days, AAS winner, ½ pound, 5-6” across, 3-4” tall, good for pies and roasting); Spirit x2 (hybrid, 98 days, semi-bush, 8’ vines, 12” fruits, AAS winner)
Tomatillo: (heirloom, 2”, papery husk, harvest when just turning yellow-they will be hard, stores 1-2 months in cool, dry place, 4’ high, need support)
Zucchini: Black Beauty (60 days, AAS Winner, bush, best at 8”, dark green)

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