Opalka- An oblong heirloom that I hear is one of the best tasting, paste tomatoes. Good in sauces, salsas, or fresh off the vine. That's why I planted three of them. They were coming along nicely, but now they have shown signs of blight. I was out removing diseased foliage this morning. Hopefully they will all ripen soon.

Gold Nugget is a tasty, heirloom cherry tomato. It adds a beautiful color to salads. The foliage is yellowing, but that's due to neglect. I have this one growing in a container that has been flooded more times than I can count by a poorly draining gutter. I finally moved it the other day. Despite the poor growing conditions it is still producing a good crop of tomatoes.

Here is some of the fruit on my KBX plant. Constoluto Genovese, followed by KBX and Black Krim are in the lead in regards to production. Black Krim does have several fruits with catfacing though. It looks like KBX will be the first full-sized tomato to ripen this season. As you can see, one of tomatoes has an orange blush developing!

Here is my largest Cowlick Brandywine. Looks like I still have a while, but I can't wait to see how it tastes! As for the health of the plant, it is one of the most healthy of all the tomatoes I am growing. Although it was hit by bacterial speck early in the season, the new foliage seems to be resisting disease and flourishing.
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