This garden began a few years ago when we had to remove a large, diseased shrub from the backyard. Now lined with shell-shaped, concrete pavers it contains many plants. This Spring we placed four Emerald Green thujas in the far back to help shield the house in the back during the winters. There are two large William Baffin roses (that are currently putting out a few more blooms) to the back left and right. Between those are two Blue Spire russian sages. Verbena bonariensis is sprinkled throughout the middle of the bed, my favorite new addition this season. There are two Autumn Joy sedum that are developing blooms in the middle. Bush Sugar Baby watermelon is to the left of the sedum (you cannot see it in this photo). To the right of the sedum, crawling along the entire edge, are two Iroquois muskmelon plants. The very front is a mix of 5 daylilies. There are also some Oriental lilies and liatris blooming in the middle of the bed. Other plants are contained within the bed, but they cannot be seen in this photo (gloriosa daisies, Sunshine Blue caryopteris, yarrow, Husker's Red penstemon, Walker's Low nepeta, Strawberry Fields gomphrena).
I like this, looks nice
ReplyDeleteThanks. The Iroquois muskmelons, on the lower right side, are growing like made. They're climbing up, over, and under everything. They do look pretty growing up there though.