Friday, June 4, 2010

Roses and Garlic Scapes

I had to cave this morning and haul out the hose. So far the rain and water from my kids' kiddie pool has been adequate for watering my plants. With the high humidity and temperatures in the high 80s to low 90s I had no choice. Everything has been watered well and should survive another day. While I was out there I couldn't resist cutting a few roses to bring inside. Here are Lady Emma Hamilton (dark apricot), Jubilee Celebration (pink), and Graham Thomas (yellow).
After watering the gardens, I snapped off the garlic scapes that were starting to curl. They weighed in at just over a third of a pound. Most were tossed into a Seal-A-Meal bag, sealed and frozen. I have no idea what I'm going to use them for. I don't have the heart to compost them.

I also found time to run to Lowes. All of the berry plants are 1/2 off. After you see most of them you will know why. I purchased a Heritage raspberry plant to replace one that my husband accidently crushed when we installed the posts that will be used to hold up the canes. It's been a productive gardening day!

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