'Feedback' iris and 'Acapulco Salmon and Pink' agastache (in the background). This agastache has refused to quit blooming. Heavily at that. Even with nights in the 30s! Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE this plant? :)

Mums I purchased from Walmart three years ago. I think one was named 'Ashley'. The other??? I do recall looking them up online after purchasing them and found that they weren't supposed to be hardy here in zone 6. Boy they were wrong. I've had them in the same two small containers for the last three years. They stayed out the entire time and kept springing back. They even reseeded themselves.

'Purple Dome' aster
I purchased this aster in the very beginning of the season. It was in a 2 1/2 inch pot. Boy has it grown. Next season I will have to pinch it back and/ or stake it. The persistant rains we had in the last week left it very floppy.

Itea virginica 'Little Henry' ('Sprich')- 2’x3’, Z 5-9, full sun-full shade.
I bought my first sweetspire this past summer. It had long, sweet-scented flower shoots that pollinators adore. Now it is showing spectacular fall color that I've decided my garden doesn't have enough of. This has been a great addition to the fall garden.
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